Photinia Carre Rouge Red Robin Hedging Plants


Glossy bright blood red and green evergreen plants of a fast growing nature.

Hedging plants are approx 30-40 cms in height in 2L Pots

Properties of Photinia “Carre Rouge” Plants

  • Photinia Carre Rouge hedging Plants, are an alternative variety of Red Robin hedging plants.
  • They are a fast growing Red & green evergreen hedge, with a darker more blood red appearance than Red Robin.
  • They are a more compact and dense growing variety of Red Robin hedge which makes them a popular choice with gardeners.
  • They grow to a height of about 2.5 metres and prefer to be well maintained at this height to ensure it’s dense compact nature. They can tolerate a hard pruning.
  • Carre Rouge make an ideal hedge but are also ideal to be used as a focal potted plant.
  • They are evergreen and will hold their foilage and colour in Winter months.
  • As the plant matures, they will produce a white flower in April and May.
  • They are an ideal option for a garden hedge as a mature hedge offers security, shelter, privacy and noise reduction while maintaining a glossy green & red Winter appearance.
  • Photinia Carre Rouge are hardy to -12C but will require protection from wind in their first year.
  • The leaves are round in shape, with younger leaves being pointed at the tips, bright red and green in colour with bark stems.
  • Laurel Hedging , Red Robin Hedging and  Portuguese Laurel are other examples of evergreen hedging.
  • Carre Rouge prefer a sunny spot and this encourages flowers in the more mature plants.

How & When to Plant your Photinia Carre Rouge Hedging Plants

  • Photinia Carre Rouge hedging plants are best planted from pots Ireland.
  • Therefore, we grow the plants in pots initially, which can be planted out into the garden.
  • Owing to the fact that the plants are grown in pots, they can be planted any time of the year, as the root system has been established in the pot.
  • You should however, consider ground conditions, avoid planting in particularly wet times of the year or when the ground is very hard in Winter. Planting over the Spring or Summer is easier but means you must water the plants regularly.
  • Potted plants are traditionally planted 12 inches apart to provide a fuller hedge in quicker time frame. These strong bushy plants can be planted 18 inches apart, so 2 plants per metre.
  • If Photinia Carre Rouge are planted in a warm or dry period, they should be watered regularly to ensure healthy plants and good growth rates.

Tips & Tricks for looking after your Photinia Carre Rouge Hedging Plants

  • Photinia Carre Rouge Hedging will grow well in shade or in full sun.
  • They are ideal plants for most soil types and pH’s but do not like very wet ground.
  • It is important to keep plants watered in the first year of growth.
  • They are frost hardy and will survive in temps as low as -12C but should be protected from wind in the first year of growth. This can be done by erecting green wind break barrier.
  • Photinia are fast growing and will take a trimming well.
  • Trimming is usually done in late Spring or Summer when new growth appears on the hedge.
  • Trimming encourages new bushy growth.
  • When planting, make sure the area is clear of weeds to avoid competition for the plants.
  • Dig a trench or hole deep enough to cover the roots.
  • Remove the plant from the pot and place in the trench.
  • Be careful not to damage the delicate root system.
  • Break up the removed soil well to encourage aeration of the soil.
  • Shovel back in this soil and walk in the plant well.
  • Keep the plant well walked in for the coming weeks, especially after windy conditions
  • A layer of bark luch around the base of the plant after planting serves 2 purposes, helps keep down the weeds but also holds in moisture.

Photinia Carre Rouge Hedging After Care.

If planted in dry weather, all hedges should be watered regularly to ensure growth. Annual pruning and trimming of the hedges encourages growth and a bushy hedge. You can view how to prune your Photinia Red Robin Hedging plant Here.


Type: Moderately fast Growing
Soil: nutrient rich moist soil
Status: Hardy in cold weather,
Position: Sun or light shade
Flowering: Glossy red green evergreen leaves

Plants are 30-40cms in 2L pots and can be planted all year round.

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